Abgeschickt von Lucy Webster am 26 Juli, 2009 um 11:59:03
Antwort auf: Re: Families of Worlaby by Brigg, Lincolnshire von Diane Warnock (nee Johnson) am 27 April, 2003 um 23:15:17:
Nan Machin from Worlaby did a lot of research on the village and published this as a little booklet in the 1980s. It covers from 1871 to 1971. We now produce a 6-yearly little magazine for villagers.
If you would be interested in this, please email me with your current address.
: : : Please use this chain for your Worlaby searches/queries.
: I live in Basingstoke, Hampshire but spent most of my childhood years in Worlaby visiting my grandparents. The lived at the council houses, as they were called then along the road from the Wishing Well. When first married my parents had the House next door.
: My grandparents were George Clark, always walked with a stick, and Grandma Anne who cooked at the school.
: I remember old Tom who had a built up shoe and lived near the post office. Across the road lived Bill and Annie Robertson with there two deaf and dumb children, my mums cousins, Marion
: and Alan. I believe Alan now lives in a bungalow opposite the playing field.
: Marion married Geoff and had a daughter Mary who could hear - she is a little older than me.
: My mum had a brother Arthur Clark who fought in the war, I still have a hand painted postcard, painted by an Italian prisoner of war who was put to work on the Top Farm.
: Mum - Mary Clark attended Brigg Grammar/girls school and won a beautiful poetry book for passing her Cambridge Exam - my one treasure I cherish.
: My mum Mary Clark worked at Laines???garage in Brigg where she met my Dad - a mechanic. She then worked at the sugar factory.
: She had six of us angels!!! Christopher, twins - Anthony and Gillian, Catherine, Michael and me - Diane. By Michael was born they had moved to Ashby where Mum lived til she lost the battle with Hodgkins Disease in 1995.
: My Grandad George had a big party at the Wishing Well, the picture made the Scunthorpe Telegraph.
: I even remember tending their graves- up the path along the east side of the church I keep hoping to visit and make sure the headstone is cleaned etc.,
: Does anyone have any booklets/photos of Worlaby in the late 60's early 70's as I would love to share this wonderful place with my kids.